Sunday, October 2, 2016

Fun with Friends and Steven Curtis Chapman!

Last Thursday night, the older set of kids gathered some friends for a fun trip to Seattle!
First stop, dinner at Taco Del Mar!
 Then, on to Seattle waterfront!  
  Now with Valerie in the picture!
Thanks for taking this one, Evan!

 Coffee shop stop!
And finally, the long-awaited concert!
Singing with SCC was Brandon Heath and Mac Powell!

Thanks Evan for the next two photos!

Wow!  They got to meet Steven Curtis Chapman! 
What a blessing!!! 

What a very special time with good friends!
Thank you all!!! 


Victoria Smith said...

That was such a fun day!!! Sure was a blast to hang out with everybody in Seattle and then praise the Lord and sing together at the concert!

Kyle Bowes said...

That was an amazing day with amazing peoples!!!! Thank you for taking the pictures, Valerie and Evan, and for getting them all on the blog Mommy!!! So awesome to look back on :D

Eden said...

I love the Seattle Waterfront! And a Steven Curtis Chapman concert sounds like a blast!

Unknown said...

Wow that looked like an amazing time!! That's sooo cool you got to meet them and take pictures with them. So special! Thanks so much for the pictures!

Elanee said...

Those are great photos!! Looks like it was a super fun time! I'm so glad they all got to go to the concert and meet SCC:) I always appreciate seeing your posts and pictures Mrs. Bowes:)

Evan Smythe said...

Those are great times and great memories. Such wonderful photos and fun times. Thanks for including me in the event of awesomeness!!! :) That was such a blast to be able to ride in the ferris weel, and be able to actually meet SCC. I'm still astonished and amazed!!! ๐Ÿ˜†He left me speechless!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Thanks so much for posting those!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Anonymous said...

What a great post! How fun!!


Valerie said...

Oh my goodness! That was an absolutely incredible day!!! I still can't believe the Lord blessed me and several friends to meet SCC and get a picture with him!! WOW!!! What an absolute joy and privilege! Love your comment, Evan!! So glad you got to come and meet him too! I was speechless at first too☺, but then my words fell like drops of rain and my lips were like clouds as I talked to SCC. :) Thanks so much for posting these awesome pictures, Mommy! Such a great day and post!

Caroline Bowes said...

Such an awesome day, spent with such wonderful friends all praising the Lord for who He is and what He's done! Everything was so special and fun and wonderful, but the BEST part was watching the overwhelming joy on Valerie's face when she came out from meeting SCC!! Valerie you make me laugh so much... love ya' sis!! :-)
Thanks so much for taking such great pictures again Evan, and Valerie! It's such a blessing to be able to look back and remember such special times! And thanks for the post Mommy. It means a lot to me!

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