Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Big Day in the Journey to Healing

Yesterday, Brielle had a big day at Seattle Children's Hospital. 
We stayed overnight at a hotel nearby so we could arrive at the hospital at 7:30am!
 Upon our arrival, the kind nurse inserted an IV port so that they could draw blood every hour throughout the day to monitor how she is processing the new Hep. C medication. 
 In between blood draws, they provided lots of movies and snacks! :-) 

 We had a few breaks for meals and a walk-about the area on a gorgeous sunny day! 

 Oh, and a couple little cat-naps to get us through the day! 

 Ready to finish this thing . . . shoes on the wrong feet and all! ;-) 
 Frozen yogurt was our dinner! :-) 

 8PM was the last blood draw and then removal of the IV!  Woo hoo! 
 I couldn't believe how Brielle watched the nurses do everything! 
She seemed fascinated with it all! :-) 
 Thank you so much for all your prayers as she continues to take the medication for a total of 12 weeks!  She will continue to be monitored every few weeks, but only one blood draw a day for those visits! 
~ ~ ~ ~ 
So thankful all went well and we can go home to see our people! :-)  


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great Lewis County Trooper you are Brielle! I'm very proud of you and can't wait to see you later today. Love, Daddy

AZDonna said...

Sweet little thing. Praying for successful treatment.
Please do one more thing that could save her life ... strap her in a car seat. I say this in love, because I care. ♥♥♥♥

The Bowes Family said...

Hi Donna,
Thanks for your prayers!
Oh, funny, you mentioned the seat belt concern. I forgot to make a note of the fact that we were parked in the parking garage at the hospital in that photo, taking naps in the car while we waited between blood draws. The car wasn't moving! :-) Thanks for your care!

Meemom said...

So glad that part of the treatment is over. Looks like Brielle was being quite brave.
Well actually beyond brave if she was watching what was happening. Must not be related to me or to her mommy. Hope all continues to go well with the treatment and that it a huge success.
Loved her pink outfit and pink shoes that match.

Ted and Karen said...

Wow! What a strong, brave little girl. Maybe some day Brielle will want to be a nurse.It was great to see how interested in everything she was. God is good all the time...We are so thankful for this medication. Love, Grammie & Papa

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