Saturday, January 29, 2022

It Took Exactly Two Years For Rona to Catch Us

According to internet sources the first US case of C-19 was confirmed on January 20th, 2020.  This was from samples taken from a patient on around January 18th.  

Turns out, our household started showing symptoms of the Rona on January 18th, exactly 2 years from this first case.  (Found in Washington State!)  

Thankfully, our symptoms were much more mild than the original strains.  We felt very tired, achy, etc. for a few days and off-and-on other various symptoms ongoing for about a week and a half so far.  The week has felt very strange as we slept a lot and woke up every day wondering if we would feel different . . .either for better or worse. The week was kind of a blur and felt like we were in a fog . . . and actually, we were!  This is how much of the week literally looked outside our windows as we quarantined at home for that first week. 


Teresa B said...

Oh no im so sorry, How is everyone now?

Meemom said...

So thankful the symtoms were not so bad!!!!

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