
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Very Big Day . . .

. . . in more than one way! 😉

For starters, it was a big day for Brielle and I, in that is was a super looooooong day! 
We left the house at 6am and returned home at 9pm!  

We are so excited and thankful to begin Brielle's treatment for Hep. C at 
Seattle Children's Hospital! 
We got the call recently that she was chosen for a clinical trial for the new medication that is proving to be waaaaaay better in every way than the traditional, old medicine! 
She will be extra monitored through the process as they gather information on how her body is metabolizing the medicine.  Yesterday was the initial screening day, and then after the results are in, we will go back to officially begin taking the medicine and begin the monitoring process!  
Studies are proving this medicine to be way faster, easier, more effective, and all with much less side effects!  Praise the Lord! 
 She had to have a LOT of blood drawn! :-( 
 As soon as we finished with Brielle's screening in Seattle, we got word on our phone that Timmy had been given an okay to take his first (free) one-hour flight lesson in the afternoon through the Young Eagles program. 
So Brielle and I rushed down from Seattle to Chehalis just in time to watch Timmy jump in the pilot's seat and take the yoke and actually do the take off!  So cool! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Tim. Loved seeing these flying pictures. Looks like you are getting some good experience with flying!! I think flying is so fun!!! Hope Brielle's treatment goes smoothly and most of all that it gets the job done. Will be praying that the treatment totally takes care of the problem.
