
Monday, April 6, 2015

Wonderful Resurrection Day!

We hope you all had a wonderful Resurrection Day,
reflecting on and celebrating all that Jesus has done for us!
We sure did!
We are so blessed with this abundant life,
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We were so grateful that our special friend, Carolyn, could meet us for worship!


 (See a picture of all of the kids below!)
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On a side note, I  recently started in on a BIG project that is long overdue. 
And that is . . .
putting every picture we've ever taken of the quadruplets,
since their birth, into photo albums for each of them!
I've been rejoicing,
as I take this walk down memory lane,
remembering once again how the Lord so faithfully brought us through those years!!! 
Thought I'd share an Easter photo from when the quadruplets were just about five months old,
and then one from yesterday!
This was then . . . . (1997) 
Can you name the quadruplets? 
(Kyle is a give-away!)
 This is now . . . .  
(Lydia is in the photo above, and, of course, we've gained our awesome son-in-law, Richie!)


  1. Great pictures of you all!! I'm so glad that you all had a wonderful Resurrection Day!

  2. Love the pictures. Hard to imagine the quads are all grown up. WhEre have the years gone? yOUR NEW eASTER PICTURES ARE VERY NICE!!! lOVE, mEEMOM

  3. Beautiful pictures! We also had a blessed day. :)

  4. Loved seeing the EARLY pics and the current ones, too! How did I ever miss knowing that they were quads??? So interesting! I'm sure not only were your hands full those early quad years, but your heart was full of love, too!
