
Monday, July 28, 2014

Poppy is Popular! ;-)

While the rest of us were away at family camp,
Victoria and Caroline were at an ABGA show in Chehalis, WA,
showing several of their goats and another farm's goats for the owners. 
Crossroads Boer Goats' newest addition, Poppy, won her class both days . . .
 and Jr. Grand Champion both days!!!!!
Whoo hoo!
Way to go Poppy! ;-)
She's only 7 months old,
so she has a great future ahead of her!


  1. Congradulations! That's very exciting! What breed is Poppy?

  2. Wow, congrats to you guys.... and the goat. Haha

  3. Thanks Elanee and Eden! She's a new goat to our farm, so we are pretty excited about her. :)

    Poppy is a fullblood Boer goat. :) Some of our Boers are crossed with milk goats, but most of them are full Boer like this girl.

  4. Nice pictures. Congratulations girls on the showing of your goats.
    Love U, Meemom
