
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Busy, Fun Weekend!

Every-so-often we get to enjoy a beautiful sunrise out our kitchen windows.
Thank you, Lord!

"In the heavens He has pitched a tent for the sun,
which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course,
it rises at one end of the heavens,
and makes it circuit to the other;
nothing is hidden from its heat."
Psalm 19:4b -6
 Friday night, we enjoyed having some old friends over for dinner,
and a chance to get caught up with all that is going on in each other's lives.
We had a good time visiting and had lots of laughs!
And they taught us a new, crazy card game!

Then, on Saturday, our family went in FOUR different directions!!!

Valerie enjoyed spending the day with Lydia at her craft fair. 

After a very emotionally and physically exhausting week with trying to save Poli,
and eventually losing her,
Caroline and Victoria were very blessed to drive over the mountains
to pick up these two new ones from a very kind friend and fellow boer goat breeder.
They left at 6am and returned at 10pm!! 

This is a picture of all five out of their herd that have come from this same friend and breeder.
(She is one of the top/best boer goat breeders in the area.)
She has been so good to the girls,and the girls have been a real blessing to her with helping to show her goats at shows.
Just this weekend, she needed to sell about half of her large herd,
and as it turned out, she had one that looks just like Poli,
and may also be pregnant!
Amazing timing!
God is sooooo good!
Meanwhile, Kyle did some landscaping work for some neighbors most of the day,
and the rest of us spent the day shopping!

Today, we had our usual Sunday worship in the morning,
and home fellowship group gathering this evening.
Always makes for a great day!
Daddy reading to the boys at the end of our busy weekend!


  1. What a gorgeous picture of the sunset! It was a busy and fun weekend, wasn't it?! So glad that the girls were able to get some new and very nice goats. And I had such a wonderful time with Valerie at the craft show. They day would really have dragged on without her! The picture of Daddy reading to the boys is really cute. :-)
    Love you all!

  2. Thanks, Lydia! Yes, it was a great, busy weekend. Valerie sure enjoyed her time with you!!
    We love you and Richie sooo much!!!

  3. Are you sure that isn't an Arizona sunset? Looks like it could be one. Happy for Caroline and Victoria that they have some very nice goats to replace the loss they had. Love all the pictures. And oh yes, love you all too, Meemom
