
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy April 1st!

Wow! It has been a long while since we last blogged!
Thought we'd post a few pictures of life around here these last few weeks!

These two flower photos courtesy of Lydia!
We planted many bulbs this past fall,
and we're currently enjoying them popping up everywhere!
Kyle, Timothy and Joseph enjoying a tree fort contstructed
with our neighbor friend on their property.
He is Kyle's same age and his name is Kyle also!

Lydia's ewes began their first lambing of the season on February 13th
with twins . . . a boy and a girl!
Here, one is cautiously checking out a hen.
Lydia enjoyed dressing Riley and Anne up one day and took this picture of them!

Following Mother closely.

We recently had our new pastor, his wife and their little daschund
over to our house to stay with us for a couple nights.
They are currently living in Tacoma, so when they would come here
for interviews or to preach, we had an enjoyable time with them in our home.
In the photo below, we are "initiating" him
by introducing him to the game "spoons" . . . hee, hee.
(He recently reported that his nail knicks and scratches were healing nicely: )
Here is Joseph with their dog, Heidi.
Caroline and Victoria have made a big decision
to add some more color into their boer goat herd.
The traditional boer goat marking is a brown head and an all white body.
But there is a more desirable "paint" marking that has become very popular recently.
So they have been very, very busy on the computer and phone searching for buyers for their current goats and trying to find the perfect new goats. The next two pictures are two views of their new buck. He is almost all brown on one side and white and brown on the other.
This is a picture of their new little girl.

Lydia's second ewe to have her lamb is Mattie, the one pictured on the left.
The one on the right is the dad, Issac.
Yes, what a shock it was when their lamb came out all black!

Lydia's soaps made their first debut in a craft store nearby!
Thanks again, Aunt Kelley, for the awesome logo!
(By the way, if anyone would like to check out Lydia's new website,
it is!)

Valerie and Victoria had a violin recital and did great!
More issues with our new-old van:(
It's a blessing in disguise that we have still not sold our old-old van,
as the new-old van is back at the mechanics.
(This is an acutal photo!)
There are plenty of puddles around for playing in right now!

Lydia has been working very hard at getting her seeds started
for transplanting to the garden at just the right time.

New baby chicks!

A visit to our friend's house to pick out a new ewe!
It was funny to see them resting in their playground.

The hummingbirds are back! Woo hoo! We LOVE hummingbirds!

More bulbs coming up in the garden area right outside our front windows!
We love bringing the hyacinths inside for their fragant smell in the house!


  1. Awesome pics! Looks like Spring has really sprung (sprang, spranged, springed, sprong) at the Bowes house!

    You all have been very busy making preparations for the coming year... beautiful flowers, baby animals, a new pastor, a cool tree house, seedlings, and new business ventures! Very cool indeed!

    Sorry about that uncooperative van. :( Glad the old-old one is still around too.

    Love you all more than all the little chirps from all the baby chicks in the whole world!

    Aunt Kelley

  2. Loved all of your new pictures!!!

    It is sprung aunt Kelley!!! Sprung!!!

    That treehouse sure looks like fun!!! Just don't tell Meemom how far it is off the ground!!!

    Playing "spoons" is a great test for the new pastor. If he can survive that at the Bowes house, he can survive anything!!!

    Hope the new van is not going to be puny forever.

    Keep those new pictures coming. Love them, but not as much as I love you all. Meemom

  3. You two made us laugh! Your comments ALWAYS bring smiles to our faces! Thanks so much!

    We love you!

  4. Great pictures! I love hearing your updates!

    Love you all!
    Aunt Heather

  5. Thanks Aunt Heather! We love hearing from you! And we love you all!
