
Friday, January 22, 2010

Babies have started arriving!!!!

Faith had a single buckling January 21st!! He is the cutest thing ever!

Caroline and I(Victoria) went to check on Faith at 6 Thursday morning and she had had him already. :) They were standing outside in the dark looking at us like nothing ever happened. :) He could walk already and was totally dry so Faith must have had him around 2 or 3.

Faith is being a great mom and the buckling is doing good as well. :)

We took this picture this morning. :)

Isn't he CUTE!!!

He is less then 12 hours old here. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miss Caroline and Victoria,
    Thanks Victoria for the update. That buckling sure looks cute.

    I guess the BucklingCam was not working or my beautiful Granddaughters must have slept thru their wake call.

    Love you all more than all the bucklings in the world,

